Destiny Life Christian Centre – DLCC is a church mandated by God to raise generations of destiny fulfillers. It is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission as an incorporated trustee in Nigeria licensed to run and plant churches. DLCC exists to bless the local community, city, and nation in which she is planted.
DLCC is a purpose and destiny driven Church. This means that everything we do is driven by God’s plan and purpose for us as a Church. It is not based on traditions or religion rather, it is based on the five purposes of God for the Church.
It is our earnest prayer and expectation that the Word of God expressed through this medium will serve as seeds of faith planted in the rich soil of your hearts and will shoot forth as fruit trees with the sap of character and ministry. The Word of God serves to equip you with practical knowledge, concepts, and dimensions of God’s Kingdom, which will cause you to possess your inheritance and enter into the fullness of God’s will, plan, purpose, and promises for your life.
Please allow us the pleasure of meeting you and give Destiny Life Christian Centre the chance to become your spiritual ‘home’, then we want to love and appreciate you and tell you we can make a difference in today’s world.
May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of Jesus. Amen.
About Our Senior Pastors
Rev'd Festus Ugwu

Revd Festus Ugwu is a man called and anointed by God to reach the nations of the world with God’s saving and healing power and with the message of destiny fulfillment. He enjoys teaching the Word of God with simplicity and clarity with signs following. He believes that Christianity stands on two legs; the Word and the Spirit and that the Gospel is not complete without the demonstration of the Spirit of God.
A dynamic pastor, teacher, author and entrepreneur, he is the Senior Pastor of Destiny Life Christian Centre, Lagos and President of Flow of the Spirit Ministries Int’l (FSM), an outreach ministry to the unsaved and believers, teaching them how to fulfill their God-given destinies and constantly experience the power of God through the preaching and teaching of the uncompromised word of God, and the move of the Spirit upon their lives.
God has used Rev. Festus to affect many lives supernaturally, within and outside Nigeria, with the preaching of the Gospel and demonstration of the Spirit of God. He is deeply committed to excellence and holiness in developing generationally minded Christians who live passionately to shape culture for God’s glory.
He is married to a pastor, teacher of God’s Word, and Medical Practitioner, Bukola. They are blessed with three lovely children.
Pastor (Dr) Bukola Ugwu

Pst. Bukola Ugwu is a teacher of God’s Word, encourager, and counsellor. She has a passion to build women of substance and great character who would, in turn, influence their world positively. She is the Co-Senior Pastor of Destiny Life Christian Centre, Lagos where she supports her husband, Rev. Festus Ugwu in God’s Kingdom work.
A lover of God to the core, Pastor Bukola has an eye for details, serving as the glue that holds it all together both in her family and ministry.
Pastor Bukola is the Convener of the annual Destiny Ladies’ Conference which focuses on imparting women to discover and fulfill their God-given destinies in all areas of life. She is fully committed to helping women be the best that God wants them to be, by using herself as a shining beacon of hope for others. She is a consummate Grace Woman, allowing the ability of God working inside of her to influence lives.
She is a devoted mother of three lovely children and a Medical Doctor by profession.